S03E04 | For When You Automate Your Small Business
Automation in small businesses is like the… peanut butter and jelly of.. automation.. applications. This week, special guest Mitchell Baldridge shares how he automates his small businesses.
Now Jake McCringleberry? Being named Mayor of AutomationTown? This isn’t good. In fact it’s very bad. The crew explores what’s next for AutomationTown, and how to unwind this mess.
Automation in small businesses is like the… peanut butter and jelly of.. automation.. applications. This week, special guest Mitchell Baldridge shares how he automates his small businesses,
Now Jake McCringleberry? Being named Mayor of AutomationTown? This isn’t good. In fact it’s very bad. The crew explores what’s next for AutomationTown, and how to unwind this mess.
Now Jake McCringleberry? Being named Mayor of AutomationTown? This isn’t good. In fact it’s very bad. The crew explores what’s next for AutomationTown, and how to unwind this mess.
Olivia Look (Zapier Expert): https://twitter.com/0h_look
Zapier OpenAI: https://zapier.com/apps/openai/integrations
Mitchell Baldridge: https://twitter.com/baldridgecpa
Better Bookkeeping: https://www.betterbookkeeping.com/
Noloco: https://noloco.io/
Airtable: https://airtable.com/
Stacker: https://www.stackerhq.com/
Softr: https://www.softr.io/
Zapier Apps: https://zapier.com/apps
Twitter: https://t.jo.my/twitter
Web: https://t.jo.my/automationtown
RSS Feed: https://t.jo.my/rss
Jason Staats
Twitter: https://t.jo.my/jstaats-twitter
Youtube: https://t.jo.my/jason-youtube
Chad Davis
Twitter: https://t.jo.my/chad-twitter
LinkedIn: https://t.jo.my/chad-linkedin
Paul O'Mara - https://t.jo.my/paulomara
LiveFlow: https://jo.my/liveflow
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