S02E10 | For When You Need to Keep A Secret

On the season finale of AutomationTown, we’re talking about secrets! How can you keep your messages away from prying eyes, emails away from those who mean you harm, and workplace memes out of reach of the all-seeing eye of your employer? Paul uncovers important info about the subway collapse, a mysterious letter surfaces and the most impactful event in 40 years happens to AutomationTown.
On the season finale of AutomationTown, we’re talking about secrets! How can you keep your messages away from prying eyes, emails away from those who mean you harm, and workplace memes out of reach of the all-seeing eye of your employer?

Paul uncovers important info about the subway collapse, a mysterious letter surfaces and the most impactful event in 40 years happens to AutomationTown. 

Threema: https://jo.my/threema
S/Mime: https://jo.my/smime
Google Confidential Mode: https://jo.my/googleconfidentialmode
Can My Employer Read My Slack messages: https://jo.my/slackadminmessagereading
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Jason Staats
Twitter: https://t.jo.my/jstaats-twitter
Youtube: https://t.jo.my/jason-youtube

Chad Davis
Twitter: https://t.jo.my/chad-twitter
LinkedIn: https://t.jo.my/chad-linkedin

Paul O'Mara - https://t.jo.my/paulomara

LiveFlow: https://jo.my/liveflow

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S02E10 | For When You Need to Keep A Secret
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