S02E09 | For When You Need Security
This week, we’re talking security! How do we ensure our data is safe and secure when it’s bouncing around the Interverse? How do we automate responsibly, and know where to draw the line?
Paul also discovers what happened 40 years ago under the Grum Grum, his Airtable sensors uncover a secret and a new character is introduced.
This week, we’re talking security! How do we ensure our data is safe and secure when it’s bouncing around the Interverse? How do we automate responsibly, and know where to draw the line?
Paul also discovers what happened 40 years ago under the Grum Grum, his Airtable sensors uncover a secret and a new character is introduced.
Paul also discovers what happened 40 years ago under the Grum Grum, his Airtable sensors uncover a secret and a new character is introduced.
Airtable: https://t.jo.my/airtable
Airtable Sharing: https://jo.my/airtablesharing
Sim Swapping: https://jo.my/simswap
MFA: https://jo.my/mfa
Loom Security: https://jo.my/loomsecurity
Airtable Automations: https://jo.my/airtableautomations
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Jason Staats
Twitter: https://t.jo.my/jstaats-twitter
Youtube: https://t.jo.my/jason-youtube
Chad Davis
Twitter: https://t.jo.my/chad-twitter
LinkedIn: https://t.jo.my/chad-linkedin
Paul O'Mara - https://t.jo.my/paulomara
LiveFlow: https://jo.my/liveflow
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