S01E05 | For When You Need To Send Data Somewhere

The internet. It's all around us. Today, we pull back the curtain on how to connect data through APIs. The thing that makes the thing you put into one thing, go into the other thing that you want it to go into. Or something like that.
The internet. It's all around us. Today, we pull back the curtain on how to connect data through APIs. The thing that makes the thing you put into one thing, go into the other thing that you want it to go into. Or something like that. 

If you make it through to the end of this one, hit us up for a prize. We may or may not try hitting free public APIs at the end like KanyeRest, BoredAPI & Agify (predict age based on your name).


Jason Staats 
Youtube: https://t.jo.my/jason-youtube 

Chad Davis 

Paul O'Mara - https://t.jo.my/paulomara

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S01E05 | For When You Need To Send Data Somewhere
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